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  • May 05, 2020

First-hand look at the impact of the global shutdown following the COVID-19 outbreak

"After the crisis we will find out that COVID-19 has changed our lives substantially", Philippe Sollie, CEO, Flen Health. Join us for a first-hand look at the impact of the global shutdown following the corona virus outbreak. "We should continue to focus on building international ties & to find solutions in this new reality", Philippe Sollie. EACC New York creates together with its members a video series of first-hand accounts of the Pandemic’s impact, both personally & professionally.

Philippe Sollie answered the following questions to EACCNY:

1) What are some challenges you, personally and your organization have faced?

2) What are some of the most surprising (positive, innovative) responses/changes you have witnessed?

3) How will this experience change us going forward, as a society and in terms of how we do business?

EACCNY has its finger on the pulse of how this worldwide pandemic is affecting companies and organisations on both sides of the Atlantic. EACC is where Americans & Europeans connect to do business. Please find more video series of first-hand accounts of the Pandemic’s impact here.

