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Flaminal® Videos - Product Information

Flaminal® Application - Can Flaminal® be combined with antisceptic?

Flaminal® - Antimicrobial Stewardship AMS

Flaminal® - Antimicrobial Resistance

Flaminal® - Infection Prevention​

Flaminal® - Highly Exuding Wounds

Flaminal® - How to manage maceration in the wound edges

Flaminal® - for all age groups

Flaminal® is non-cytotoxic

Flaminal® - 4 phases of wound healing

Flaminal® vs a Hydrogel

Flaminal® Application - What secondary dressing to use?

Flaminal® Application - Cavity wound

Flaminal® - One Solution for Various Wound Types

Flaminal® - Easy to Use, Enabling self-care

Flaminal® Application - It can adapt to any wound shape & size

Flaminal® Advanced Formula - How does it work?

Flaminal® Introduction - What is Flaminal®?

Differences between Flaminal® Hydro and Flaminal® Forte

Flaminal® - Reduce patient discomfort and improve quality of life!

Flaminal® - Safe and Effective Wound Care

Flaminal® Application - The optimal thickness layer

Flaminal® Application - Can stay on wound bed up to 4 days

Flaminal® - Treatment for Acute and Chronic Wounds